Information in English (SDG-VO)

Information according to the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDG-VO).


The “Versorgungswerk der Rheinischen Notarkammer” (Notarversorgungswerk) is a law-based self-governing institution. As an occupational pension plan, the Notarversorgungswerk provides benefits in form of retirement, invalidity and survivors’ pensions as well as death allowances for its members upon application.

Compulsory membership in the Notarversorgungswerk is based upon membership in one of the notary bar associations in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Although the  Notarversorgungswerk is informed by the Association of Notaries about the memberships, the members are in general obliged, on their part, to work on their first recording with the Notarversorgungswerk.

Apart from the option of voluntary continuation of membership, there is no other possibility of becoming a member of the Notarversorgungswerk

The legal foundations of the Notarversorgungswerk can be found in the Statute on Notaries’ Pensions (Gesetz über das Notarversorgungswerk Köln, NotVG NW) and in the Articles of Association of the Notarversorgungswerk. These documents are available as downloads:

Articles of Association (PDF, EN, non-binding convenience translation)

NotVG (PDF, EN, non-binding convenience translation)

In addition, it is always possible to use the contact form for all further questions. Enquiries can be made in English and German.